It is possible to transfer patent rights to inventions and production secrets (KNOW-HOW)

Method and device for fish detection and estimation
Minimize errors in the number of detected fish and improve accuracy in assessing its reserves.
It can be used by developers to create a promising scientific hydroacoustic apparatus for estimating fish stocks.
Technical description
The amount of fish detected is corrected taking into account the coefficient of reduction of the " Couzo " field of view , depending on the speed, roll, trim, angular yaw rate and other parameters of the vessel position.
The patent is developed on the basis of materials from reports on research and development, results of analytical calculations, model and field experiments, which, together with application documents for registration of the invention, represent the intellectual property of the enterprise.

Device for Searching and counting fish
Minimize errors in the number of detected fish and improve accuracy in assessing its reserves.
It can be used by developers to create a promising scientific hydroacoustic apparatus for estimating fish stocks.
Technical description
The amount of detected fish is adjusted taking into account the multiplicity factor, depending on the width of the antenna directional characteristics, the range of operation of the echo sounder and the speed of the vessel.
The patent is developed on the basis of materials from reports on research and development, results of analytical calculations, model and field experiments, which, together with application documents for registration of the invention, represent the intellectual property of the enterprise.

Method Of Selective Breeding Of Commodity Fish
Allows to reduce by-catch of juvenile fish
The method can be used in enterprises of pasture aquaculture.
Perform up to 20-30 sessions of feeding fish with simultaneous exposure to acoustic and/or chemical stimuli. The fish is produced by the reflex connection between feeding and irritants. In the catch zone, fish are attracted by stimuli moving at a speed lower than the cruising speed of fish with fishing dimensions, and greater than the maximum speed for young fish. At the same time, the hydroacoustic method is used to control the number of juveniles in the attracted fish community. Fishing is carried out when the permissible minimum concentration of juveniles in the General community of the attracted fish is reached.
The patent is developed on the basis of materials from reports on research and development, results of analytical calculations, model and field experiments, which, together with application documents for registration of the invention, represent the intellectual property of the enterprise.

Used both to determine state and parameters of individual fish and fish concentrations in the entire volume of the cage and to detect break and disruption of netting pattern throughout the cage.
Intended mostly for farming fish in cages. Sonar system equipment can be also used as an intrusion detection system for protection of water basins from illegal actions.
Technical description
In the central part of the cage, there a float located on the surface of the water. On the float, an active echo sounder connected to the device of scanning the sounder transducer beam is available. The sounding results are then transferred to the processing unit in which they are compared with the previously obtained acoustic image of the cage.
Main functions
Determination of fish dimension, weight, etc.
The patent is developed on the basis of materials of reports on research and development, results of analytical calculations, model and field experiments which together with application documents for registration of the invention represent object of intellectual property of the enterprise.

Device for counting fish
Counting the number of fish that spawn in shallow rivers with complex hydrology.
For use by scientific organizations in calculating the number of fish that spawn in shallow rivers with complex hydrology.
The fish are counted using video cameras located above the surface of the water and computer tools located on the shore. Within the visibility range of video cameras across the river at the bottom there is a tape whose color contrasts with the color of the recorded fish and the bottom of the river. The tape also contains optical emitting elements connected to the processing unit, which performs the analysis of signals from video cameras. The analysis results are transferred to the counting unit, which stores the results of fish counting in the round-the-clock monitoring mode.
Useful models

Multibeam scientific echo sounder for accounting of aquatic bioresources
Multibeam scientific echo sounder refers to the scientific hydroacoustic fish-searching apparatus and is designed to lizirovania water areas, searching, and counting the number of fish, determining the parameters of the individual fish and fish aggregations.
Multibeam scientific sounder is used for hydroacoustic surveys of the studied waters. The results of sonar surveys are used to quantify fish stocks.
Multibeam scientific sounder provides: formation of the sector characteristics of the direction in the radiation mode and the formation of a fan of directional characteristics in the reception mode; temporary automatic gain control according to the laws of 20lgR+2aR and 40lgR+2aR for bulk scatterers and single targets; selection of echoes from the bottom surface and from single targets; calculation of THE NASc (Nautical area scattering coefficient) – the integral value of the relative biomass of fish per square nautical mile along the trajectory of the research ships; calculation and construction of a histogram of the size range (target force) of the detected single fish; display of echograms and construction of 3D images of objects in the field of view; adaptive threshold processing and other necessary functions.

Hydroacoustic low-frequency converter
Sounding of underwater parts of natural and artificial water bodies, including for attracting or scaring off various hydrobionts and transmitting sound signals to underwater swimmers and athletes.
Can be used about in fisheries enterprises of pasture and industrial aquaculture , as well as for the training of underwater swimmers and athletes.
Technical description
The converter contains a pressure compensator and can operate at different depths without degrading the parameters of the emitted signals.

Active echo-pulse locator
It allows increasing the range of locating and increasing the signal-to-noise ratio due to additional processing of echoes.
It can be used for the development of forward-looking sonar and ultrasonic radar equipment for various purposes.
Technical description
The locator compensates for the attenuation of high-frequency components of the acoustic probe signal spectrum when it propagates in water and in other media. Contains additional blocks of tunable analog filtering.

Mobile system of acoustic monitoring of fish farms
Detection, calculation and estimation of distribution of stocks of aquatic biological resources in fish-breeding reservoirs.
Can be used about at fishery enterprises of pasture aquaculture and recreational fisheries.
Technical description
It consists of stationary and mobile parts. The stationary part is installed on the shore, mobile - on a small radio-controlled carrier, capable of moving on the surface of the investigated reservoir.

Adaptive acoustical system affecting on hydrobionts
Creation of artificial concentrations of fish and other hydrobionts in a given area or their repelling.
Can be used about in fishery enterprises, pasture and industrial aquaculture enterprises .
Technical description
Depending on the surrounding environment, the speaker automatically adjusts the radiation parameters

Acoustical system affecting on hydrobionts
Creation of artificial concentrations of fish and other hydrobionts in a given area or their repelling.
It can be used in a fishery enterprises, enterprises pastoral and industrial aquaculture, as well as in systems of protection of water intakes against ingress of fish.
Technical description
For the formation of low-frequency acoustic signals moving in space, the method of interaction of high-frequency waves in an aqueous medium is used.

Electronic catch book
Registration of fishing vessels fishing activities in electronic form.
Can be used by shipowners of fishing vessels.
Technical description
It is an electronic analogue of a paper fishing log used by boatmasters of fishing vessels.

Sounding pulse generator
Generation of probing signals with a constant initial phase, to ensure optimal processing of echoes.
It can be used by developers to create a sonar and ultrasound equipment for various purposes.
Technical description
Forms probing signals with a constant initial phase and reference continuous signals with phases 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees. Implemented on digital elements. It is possible to generate signals using microprocessor systems by software methods.

Sidescan sonar
Search for objects in the water column and on the bottom.
It can be used by developers of hydroacoustic equipment to create perspective side-scan sonar.
Technical description
At all ranges of locating, echo signals are received in the direction of maximum sensitivity of the antenna, independent of the speed of the carrier.

Computer-aided info system to assist in fishing vessel handling
Designed to automate the process of managing the movement of fishing vessels and fishing gears during the execution of field operations
Can be used on fishing vessels as a part of the equipment of the running bridge for automation of process of fishing by increase of its informativeness
ASU DRS intended to issue the boatmaster of recommendations for the targeted catch of fish and safe navigation for trawl and purse seining.
Structurally, the ACS DRS consists of a ship operator's stand with built-in two monitors, an industrial computer with specialized SOFTWARE and a database of electronic navigation and field maps and interface units (situational display).
Through the ship's local area network, the ACS DRS is capable of receiving information from a wide range of ship's electronic equipment installed on fishing vessels, including navigation, fishing and auxiliary equipment.
Computer programs

Software module "Single target selector"
The program module for selection of single targets is designed for selection of echo signals from single targets (fish) and calculation of the true value of their target strength (TS).
The software module for selection of single targets is used as part of the software of scientific sonar equipment – single-beam and multibeam sonar and sonar.
The software module for selection of single targets works in accordance with the algorithm, taking into account: the amplitude of the echo pulse, enhanced by the varu law 40lgR+2aR, with respect to the threshold value, the duration of the echo pulse within the specified limits, the deviation of the phase differences of the split beam inside the echo pulse, the spatial position of a single target in the solution of the directional characteristics relative to its acoustic axis.

The software module "Selector of bottom signal"
The bottom echo selection software module is designed to isolate the echo signal from the bottom surface and accompany this echo signal in a sequence of radiation-reception cycles.
The software module for bottom echo selection is used as part of the software for scientific sonar equipment – single-beam and multibeam sonar and sonar.
The software module for bottom echo selection works in accordance with the algorithm that takes into account: the amplitude of the echo pulse relative to the threshold value, the echo repeatability in the sequence of radiation-reception cycles, the loss of the echo signal in the sequence of radiation-reception cycles, the position of the front edge of the echo signal from the bottom surface, the offset from the selected value of the distance to the bottom surface.

Software module "Echo integration"
The software module of echointegration is designed to calculate the value of NASC (Nautical area scattering coefficient) – the integral value of the relative biomass of fish per square nautical mile along the trajectory of the research vessel of a given length.
The software module of echointegration is used as a part of the software of scientific sonar equipment – single-beam and multibeam sonar and sonar.
The software module of echointegration in accordance with the algorithm performs: comparison of the amplitude of the echo signal from the volume scatterers, enhanced by the law of varu 20lgR+2aR, with the threshold value, calculation of the echo integration in a given layer of water column, averaging the value of the echo integration for a given number of radiation-reception cycles (distance of the ship), bringing the average value of the echo integration to the area of the water area (square miles, hectares, square meters).

The software module " Ehoschet "
The software module is designed to calculate the number of single targets within a given layer for a given number of radiation-reception cycles along the trajectory of the research vessel of a given length.
The software module is used as a part of the software of scientific sonar equipment – single-beam and multibeam sonar and sonar.
The program module of calculation in accordance with the algorithm performs: counting the number of selected single targets in a given volume of water space and the construction of a histogram of the distribution of the number of targets in accordance with their target strength.

Software for multi-purpose research single-beam split-beam sonar
The software is intended for operation as part of a multi-purpose single-beam echo sounder (MIEL) with a split beam. MIEL belongs to the scientific hydroacoustic fish-prospecting equipment and is intended for the location of water areas, search and counting the number of fish and the calculation of the relative biomass of fish clusters.
MIEL software provides control of the parameters of the sounder and the performance of scientific functions such as echoset and echointegration.
MIEL is used for: recreational fishing; improvement of technologies of industrial aquaculture; industrial fishing in inland waters and coastal marine areas; environmental monitoring of potentially dangerous water areas on the state of aquatic biological resources; quantitative assessment of aquatic biological resources (VBR); evaluation of the effectiveness of fish protection devices in areas of power plants impact on local ichthyocenosis.
ON MIAL performs: data exchange with the interface unit in accordance with the developed Protocol; adapting the amplitude signal to the power unit of acoustic backscatter (strength of purpose), temporary automatic gain control according to the laws 20lgR+and 40lgR 2aR+2aR for volumetric scatterers and single targets, respectively; the selection of the echo from the bottom surface, the selection of echoes from single targets; calculation of the NASc (Nautical area scattering coefficient) – the integral value of the relative biomass of fish per square nautical mile along the trajectory of the research vessel; calculation and construction of a histogram of the size range (target force) of the detected single fish; display of echograms and the necessary video scientific multipath sounder and other necessary functions.

The software of calibration of portable sector sonar of PGLS "Sector". Version 1.0
The software is designed to perform the calibration procedure of the portable sector survey sonar "Sector".
The software used for the calibration of portable sonar sector review "Sector" using the calibration of tungsten carbide spheres before conducting hydroacoustic surveys over the assessment of fish stocks.
The calibration software receives data on selected single targets for a given beam from a portable sector survey sonar "Sector". The reference target is a standard carbide-tungsten or copper solid sphere. The target strength of a standard target is calculated in the SOFTWARE "target strength Calculator", the value of which is entered in the calibration SOFTWARE. Based on the results of comparing the current and calculated readings of the target force, the gain G0 is calibrated on the axis of the directivity characteristic and the Sa-correction correction for echo integration. By moving the reference target in the directional characteristic section, the displacement of the acoustic axis of the antenna is determined, as well as the width of the through directional characteristic at the level of minus 6 dB in the longitudinal and transverse planes.

Software module for piece counting fish
The estimation of the number of single fish in the water areas of fishing areas in real time.
It can be used by developers to create a promising scientific hydroacoustic apparatus for estimating fish stocks.
Technical description
A statistical method for estimating the number of detected targets is implemented, based on taking into account the effect of multiple irradiation of the point of space in which the target is located.

The software of post processing processing system for fish counting results ( postprocessing software ). Version 2.0
The software is designed to postprocessing processing of results of hydroacoustic surveys.
The software of the system of postprocessing processing of fish counting results (BY postprocessing) is used to process the results of sonar surveys in the deferred time mode in order to determine the quantitative assessment of fish stocks in the surveyed waters.
AT the postprocessing performs: reading the recorded file hydroacoustic surveys, research produced by the portable sonar sector review PGLS Sector and research echo sounder with split beam MEAL, enter the calibration parameters of the hydroacoustic equipment, temporary automatic gain control signals according to the laws 20lgR+and 40lgR 2aR+2aR for volumetric scatterers and single targets; the allocation of regions of echograms and assigning the required status, the selection of the echo from the bottom surface and single targets; calculation of THE NASc (Nautical area scattering coefficient) – the integral value of the relative biomass of fish per square nautical mile along the trajectory of the research vessel; calculation and construction of a histogram of the size range (target force) of the detected single fish; display of echograms; selection of the bottom echo signal, conversion of hydroacoustic data into the format *.hac and other necessary functions.

Portable Sonar Sonar Software (PGLS) software. Version 2.0
The software (SOFTWARE) is designed to function as part of the scientific portable sector survey sonar (GLS) "Sector".
The software PGLS "Sector" provides management options scientific multibeam sonar carrying out such research functions as Exocet and echointegerarray.
The software PGLS Sector performs: data exchange with the interface unit in accordance with the developed Protocol; adapting the amplitude signal to the power unit of acoustic backscatter (strength of purpose), temporary automatic gain control according to the laws 20lgR+and 40lgR 2aR+2aR for volumetric scatterers and single targets, respectively; the selection of the echo from the bottom surface, the selection of echoes from single targets; calculation of THE NASc (Nautical area scattering coefficient) – the integral value of the relative biomass of fish per square nautical mile along the trajectory of the research vessel; calculation and construction of a histogram of the size range (target force) of the detected single fish; display of echograms and the necessary video scientific multipath sounder; construction of 3D images of objects in the survey sector; adaptive threshold processing and other necessary functions.

Software module for electronic mapping for scientific sonar
Mapping of the cartographic information on the water area selected by the user from the OpenStreetMap cartographic service data .
It can be used on specialists hydroacoustics SRI Rosrybolovstva and RAS performing sonar survey .
Technical description
Allows also: - Preliminary laying of the lines; - display previously traversed lines; - display on a cartographic substrate the accumulations of single fish and fish schools.

Target power calculator
Software calculator purpose power designed for calculation of strength of backscattered sound solid metal sphere.
The software of the target force calculator is used to calculate the target force of the reference sphere during the calibration of the receiving-emitting paths of scientific sonar equipment.
The software of the target force calculator calculates the target force of a solid metal sphere taking into account the following parameters: the material of the sphere, the size of the sphere, the operating frequency of the sonar equipment, the frequency range, pulse duration, temperature, salinity and pressure of the aqueous medium, the speed of sound in the aqueous medium. The calculation is made for: monochromatic mode in a given frequency range, pulse mode in the frequency band of the pulse spectrum, pulse mode in a given frequency range.

Portable Sonar Surveillance Software (SWGS Software)
The software (SOFTWARE) is designed to function as part of the scientific portable sector survey sonar (PGLS) "Sector".
The software PGLS "Sector" provides management options scientific multibeam sonar carrying out such research functions as Exocet and echointegerarray.
The software PGLS Sector performs: data exchange with the interface unit in accordance with the developed Protocol; adapting the amplitude signal to the power unit of acoustic backscatter (strength of purpose), temporary automatic gain control according to the laws 20lgR+and 40lgR 2aR+2aR for volumetric scatterers and single targets, respectively; the selection of the echo from the bottom surface, the selection of echoes from single targets; calculation of THE NASc (Nautical area scattering coefficient) – the integral value of the relative biomass of fish per square nautical mile along the trajectory of the research vessel; calculation and construction of a histogram of the size range (target force) of the detected single fish; display of echograms and the necessary video scientific multipath sounder; construction of 3D images of objects in the survey sector; adaptive threshold processing and other necessary functions.

Software for the post processing system for fish counting (postprocessing software)
The software is intended for the post-processing processing of the results of hydroacoustic surveys.
The software of the post-processing system for processing fish counting results (post-processing software) is used to process the results of hydroacoustic surveys in deferred time mode in order to determine a quantitative estimate of fish stocks in the surveyed areas.
The postprocessing software performs: reading the recorded sonar files produced by the scientific portable sonar of the sector review PGLS Sector and the MIEL split beam echo sounder, entering the calibration parameters of this sonar equipment, temporarily adjusting the gain of the signals according to the laws 20lgR + 2aR and 40lgR bulk lenses and single targets; selection of regions of echograms and assigning them the necessary status, selection of echo signals from the bottom surface and from single targets; calculation of NASC (Nautical area scattering coefficient) - the integral value of the relative biomass of fish per square nautical mile along the trajectory of a research vessel; calculation and construction of the histogram of the size range (target strength) of detected single fish; echogram display; selection of the bottom echo signal, conversion of hydroacoustic data into the * .hac format and other necessary functions.

Complex for the calculation of the main parameters and modeling of the operation of hydroacoustic fish-searching equipment
Calculation of the main parameters of the designed sonars and echo sounders and modeling of their work.
It can be used by developers to create promising sonar equipment, as well as by experts during the verification of parameters of fish searching equipment.
Technical description
It is a complex of programs consisting of a script editor, a program for visualizing a fishing situation and a complex of calculation and modeling programs that provide verification of the main parameters of the designed equipment. All calculation and modeling software modules are installed on one personal computer.

Software simulator of the control and indication console of the net recorder CN-14A
Real-time imitation of the operation of the trawling sonar probe CN-14A in the conditions of the fishery as part of the RPT-4000 fishing simulator or RPA mini-simulator.
It can be used by the developers of fishing and sonar simulators, as well as the developers of the fishing equipment. It can be used in the educational process of cadets of navigational faculties and students of faculties of industrial fisheries, as well as for advanced training of navigators, practitioners and masters of fish production.
When imitating the work of the trawling probe, the fishing situation in the fishing area, the movement parameters of the vessel, the fishing trawl and the objects of fishing, the position of the controls for the operating modes of the trawling probe are taken into account. The program models and displays on the electronic display screen of the control and display unit the main components of the acoustic signals received by the acoustic antennas of the underwater unit of the probe, taking into account random fluctuations of the parameters of underwater objects and noise. It is possible to quickly block the display of any of the 10 components of the acoustic signals.

Software simulator of the control and display console of the Simrad ES60 echosounder
Simulate real-time operation of the fish finder Simrad ES60 in fishing conditions as part of the RPT-4000 fishing simulator or RPA mini simulator.
Can be used by developers of fishing and hydroacoustic simulators, as well as developers of fish search equipment. It can be used in the educational process of cadets of navigational faculties and students of industrial fishing departments, as well as to improve the skills of boatmasters and practitioners and masters of fish production.
Technical description
The program simulates in real time the operation of a multifrequency fish finder in the actual conditions of the fishery. When simulating the echosounder's work, the fishing situation in the fishing area, the parameters of the ship's movement and fishing gear, the electronic menu of the echosounder are taken into account. The program simulates and displays on the screen of the electronic indicator of the control and display panel the main components of the acoustic signals received by the acoustic echo sounder transducers, taking into account random fluctuations in the parameters of underwater objects and noise. It is possible to quickly block the display of any of the 9 components of acoustic signals.

Software simulator of the control panel and display of sonar Simrad SP70
Simulate real-time operation of the sonar Simrad SP70 in fishing conditions as part of the RPT-4000 fishing simulator or RPA mini simulator.
Can be used by developers of fishing and hydroacoustic simulators, as well as developers of fish search equipment. It can be used in the educational process of cadets of navigational faculties and students of industrial fishing departments, as well as to improve the skills of boatmasters and practitioners and masters of fish production.
Technical description
The program simulates in real-time the work of a fish-locating sonar of a simultaneous circular survey in the actual conditions of the fishery. When simulating the operation of the sonar, the fishing situation in the fishing area, the parameters of the ship's movement, fishing gear and fishing gear, the position of the controls and the settings of the electronic sonar menu are taken into account. The program simulates and displays on the screen of the electronic indicator of the control and display panel the main components of the acoustic signal received by the acoustic sonar transducer, taking into account random fluctuations in the parameters of underwater objects and noise. It is possible to quickly block the display of any of the 16 components of acoustic signals.

The software of the adder for navigation, fishing and fishing equipment (NRPRPO)
Integration, processing and delivery of automated data management system for the ship's technological processes from navigation, fishing and fishing equipment.
Can be used by developers of advanced ship information and automated systems for fishing vessels.
Technical description
The program provides: - Receiving information from navigation, fishing and fishing equipment in the form of information messages conforming to NMEA version 3.01; - Semantic analysis of information messages in the NMEA standard; - preliminary digital filtering of data from ship equipment; - Summation of input values and calculation of mean values; - calculation of the elements of movement of surface and underwater targets (ships and fish accumulations); - formation of output information packets coordinated with the ASU TP of the SPF with a specified periodicity.

The converter of hydroacoustic data records of the PGLS "Sector" into the NAS data format
The software is designed to convert the sonar data files of the portable sector-scan sonar (PGLS) “Sector” into * .hac files.
The software is used to convert the hydroacoustic data records of the portable sonar sector survey (PGLS) "Sector" into * .hac files, adopted as an international standard for presenting scientific sonar equipment for comparing and processing hydroacoustic data from equipment of different manufacturers.
The software of the transducer for sonar data of the portable sonar sector survey (PGLS) Sector to * .hac format files converts the raw data of each beam of the fan directional characteristics of the Sector PGFL into a separate * .hac format file with the following data: echo on the beam without time automatic gain control (VARU) in units of backscattering force (dB), echo with VARU according to the law 20lgR + 2aR for volume purposes (dB), echo signal from VARU according to the law 40lgR + 2aR for one full-time goals (dB), bottom line, selected and compensated single targets.

The programmed training complex for studying the filling of the fishing log and the preparation of ship daily reports
Training to fill the fishing log and prepare daily ship reports supporting the format of the fishing magazine approved by the order of the Federal Agency for Fisheries of November 18, 2010 No. 942 "On Approval of the Form of the Fishing Journal".
It can be used in educational institutions of Rosrybolovstvo , training centers and large fishing companies for training and attestation of the crew of fishing vessels .
Technical description
The simulator implements the following features: - preparation of a magazine for the voyage of a fishing vessel; - Enter the prom of these terms data to the appropriate section 's magazine during the flight. - the formation of ship daily reports in the selected format (for the Far Eastern or Northern and Western fisheries basins.

Complex program training for the study of the fishing schedule of operations with pelagic and bottom trawls with 3D animation of the deck crew's actions in the course of fishing operations
Training cadets and students of educational institutions Rosrybolovstva , as well as ordinary fishing crew of fishing vessels.
It can be used for educational institutions Rosrybolovstva , training centers and large fishing companies for training and certification of seafarers ordinary fishing vessels .
Technical description
In the PROROL-3D simulator, the following features are implemented: - visualization in the form of 2D schemes for the location and movement of members of the fishing watch, the status of fishing gear and fishing equipment on the deck of the fishing vessel; - viewing information about the activities performed by the members of the watch (in the form of a textual description of the work); - viewing the actions of members of the fishing watch on the deck of the fishing vessel and the state of fishing gear and fishing equipment in the form of 3D animations; - View additional information on work safety in the form of illustrations and text descriptions; - interaction between the instructor and the trainee through an interactive graphical interface.

Information and logical analyzer of field data
Increase the efficiency of fishing by analyzing pre-collected fishery data and issuing guidelines for fishing.
Can be used about boatmasters of fishing vessels or group of vessels as a reference system for the support of fisheries.
Technical description
The information and reference system can be installed on a laptop or an electronic tablet.

Software simulator of Furuno CN-14A Net Recorder
Real-time simulations of the net recorder CN-14A under field conditions in the RPT-4000 fishing simulator or a mini-RPA simulator .
It can be used for in the educational process of cadets of the Navigation Department and students of industrial fisheries departments, as well as for training skippers practitioners and masters of the fish production.
Technical description
When simulating the operation of the net recorder, the fishing situation in the fishing area, the parameters of the vessel's movement, fishing gear and objects of fishing, the position of the controls and the settings of the electronic menu of the net recorder are taken into account .

3-D visualization module View4000
Implementation of 3D visualization and surface and underwater situation as part of the RPT-4000 fishing simulator.
It can be used in the educational process of schools Rosrybolovstva as part of the fishing simulator RPT-4000, as well as developers of fishing simulators.
Technical description
The program displays static and dynamic objects: - 3D relief of the bottom of the training area; - 3D visualization of meteorological conditions; - Means of navigation equipment (SNO); - 3D model of the vessel; - 3D model of trawl; - 3D model of the seine; - 3D model of the tier; - 3D model of fish schools; - 3D model of fish layers and solitary fish;

Module for docking the simulators of the hydro-acoustic complex RPT-4000 with NT-Pro (version 05.2012)
The implementation of the interaction of simulators of the hydroacoustic module of the RPT-4000 fishing simulator of KBME Vector LLC with the software of the NT-Pro simulator of ZAO Transas .
Can be used about developers of navigation and fishing simulators.
Technical description
Dynamic library allows you to send information about: - parameters of fishing vessels; - fishing gear; - fishing areas; - fish accumulations; - the state of the environment.

Virtual stand of complex debugging of the automated control system of the fishing vessel
Simulation of various fishing, pre-emergency and emergency situations in the management of a separate fishing vessel or fishing vessel as part of a group of vessels.
Can be used by developers of ship information systems, to solve problems of automation of fishing vessels management.
Technical description
The program allows: - simulate the fishing situation in the management of a fishing vessel with a trawl and a purse seine; - simulate swimming in a group of vessels with fishing gear; - to simulate the possibility of collision with other vessels and the occurrence of an emergency situation; - simulate pre-emergency and emergency situations with fishing gear; - to generate navigational and fishing information for transmission to the control and display device of the ASU DRS in NMEA 0183 format.

Electronic fishing log with support of daily ship reports
Maintenance of ship reporting in electronic form in the format of the fishing magazine approved by the order of the Federal Agency for Fisheries of November 18, 2010 No. 942 "On Approval of the Form of the Fishing Journal".
Can be used about boatmasters of fishing vessels for the preparation of daily reports.
Technical description
The program allows: - to automate the formation and maintenance of records of fishing operations in electronic form; - to automate the formation and dispatch of ship daily reports via the Inmarsat-C communication system ; - Sign ship's daily reports using the digital signature of the captain; - formirova five ships e e Daily Dispatches me for ship reporting.

Software simulator of Simrad ES60 Fishery Echosounder
Simulate real-time operation of the fish finder Simrad ES60 in fishing conditions as part of the RPT-4000 fishing simulator or RPA mini simulator.
It can be used for in the educational process of cadets of the Navigation Department and students of industrial fisheries departments, as well as for training skippers practitioners and masters of the fish production.
Technical description
When simulating the operation of the echo sounder, the fishing situation in the fishing area, the parameters of the ship's movement, fishing gear and objects of fishing, the position of the controls and the settings of the electronic echo sounder menu are taken into account .

Software simulator of Simrad SP70 Fishery Sonar
Simulate real-time operation of the sonar Simrad SP70 in fishing conditions as part of the RPT-4000 fishing simulator or RPA mini simulator.
It can be used for in the educational process of cadets of the Navigation Department and students of industrial fisheries departments, as well as for training skippers practitioners and masters of the fish production.
Technical description
When simulating the operation of the sonar, the fishing situation in the fishing area, the parameters of the ship's movement, fishing gear and objects of fishing, the position of the controls and the settings of the electronic sonar menu are taken into account .

Class for hand-on training in navigational plotting NS-3000
Practical classes on the main types of navigation calculations, observing, radar observation, laying and wiring of the vessel along the specified route.
It can be used about in the educational process for cadets and students of maritime educational institutions in specialty 180403 "Navigation".
Technical description
The program provides the ability to automatically generate tasks unique for each student, automated control and evaluation of the exercises performed .

Software of data processing, control and display designed for scientific sonar system used to calculate single fish
It is an integral part of the device for controlling and indicating the scientific hydroacoustic complex for counting single fish.
It can be used by developers to create a promising scientific hydroacoustic apparatus for estimating fish stocks.
Technical description
The software includes the following software modules: - diagnostics; - initialization and setting of initial conditions; - the user interface; - display of information and navigation data; - input / output information of the multi-beam side-scan sonar; - intra - cycle and inter - beam processing; - I / O information about the rolling parameters; - dynamic triangulation; - determining the recommended range of the range of the multi-beam side-scan sonar; - determining and processing the coordinates of detected fish and counting their number; - determination of the coefficient of reduction of the zone of view; - data archiving; - input of the information of the functional panel; - electronic cartographic system.

Software simulator for multi-beam sidescan sonar pings
Debugging software for processing sonar data from a multi-beam side scan sonar.
It can be used by developers to create a promising scientific hydroacoustic apparatus for estimating fish stocks.
Technical description
The software of the simulator includes the following software modules: - Script editor; - system model; - module for controlling the movement of the vessel; - module for calculating geometric data and acoustic components; - the module for generating an array of digital data of the envelope of sonar signals for each sonar beam, depending on its settings; - module of traditional visualization of hydroacoustic information and 3D-visualization of underwater situation; - NMEA message generator module.

Deck-hands duties when performing fishing operations
Study of the fishing schedule of work with the main fishing tools: pelagic trawl, purse seine and longitudinal pelagic tier.
Can be used for in the educational process for students and students of secondary and higher educational institutions on specialties 111500 "Commercial fishing" and 180,403 "Navigation", as well as for the training of members of the deck crew of fishing vessels.
Technical description
And two-dimensional images of the distribution of members of the fishing watch and three-dimensional animation of their actions are used when performing fishing operations on the deck of a fishing vessel.

Software for an automated motion control system for a fishing vessel (ACS MFV)
It is an integral part of the ACS MFV. Solves the problems of automation of trawling and purse fishing, the formation of the ship's electronic reporting and its sending to the shore.
It can be used by developers of various automated control systems for fishing vessels.
The program includes: - module for developing recommendations on the safety of navigation with fishing gear when working in a group of vessels; - module for developing recommendations on sighting trawling and purse fishing; - module for automatic processing and analysis of field data; - module for the formation and maintenance of an electronic logbook with the dispatch of ship daily reports; - 2D and 3D module for visualization of the underwater fishing situation; - module of the electronic cartographic system.

Fishery simulator software FS-4000
It is an integral part of the RPT-4000 fishing simulator. Allows to simulate the work of a fishing vessel for trawling, purse and longline fishing.
The simulator is intended for training cadets of navigational faculties and students of industrial fishing departments, as well as for improving the skills of boatmasters and practitioners.
Technical description
Contains software simulators: - movements of ships, fishing gear and fish accumulations; - tuning of fishing equipment; - Surface and underwater 3D visualization; - fish-hunting equipment (trawl probe CN-14; echo sounder ES-60; sonar SP-70); - navigation equipment (radar / SARP; EKS; RNS; AIS; VHF communications; SNS; autopilot; direction finder; binoculars; visual direction finder; sextant).
Production secrets (KNOW-HOW)

Calibration Procedure for a Split-beam Portable Multipurpose Research Single-beam Sounder
Experience and knowledge have been accumulated and tested in the field of calibrating single-beam and multi-beam echo sounders with a split beam.
Know-how materials can be used by the developers of split-beam scientific echo sounders designed to assess the size and number of fish, as well as the operators of such scientific echo sounders.
In the framework of this know-how, analytical materials have been collected containing the theory and practice of the method of forming a split beam and calibrating the antenna system, as well as a complete set of software documentation for calibrating the antenna system.

Method and device for estimating fish sizes in a wide field of view
The proposed method and device using a multi-element acoustic antenna in a given location sector can improve the reliability and accuracy of assessing the size composition of fish in practical use for various real concentrations of fish in a wide field of view during their search.
Processing of echo signals is carried out taking into account the coefficients of the "Couzo"- the coefficient of reduction of the field of view (Patent for invention No. 2421755 “Method and device for searching and counting fish”) and the «Ccop» - the coefficient of multiplicity of the space survey (Patent for invention No. 2558003 “Device for searching and counting fish” )
Know-how materials can be used by developers of multi-beam scientific echo sounders when implementing a single-beam wide directivity pattern with a flat apex in a plane perpendicular to the direction of movement of the vessel, as well as operators of scientific echo sounders.
In the radiation mode, with the help of a multi-element acoustic antenna, a directivity pattern with a flat top in a plane perpendicular to the direction of movement of the vessel is formed in a given location sector. Based on the results of the selection of single targets in each direction of reception, an additional inter-beam selection of the detected single targets is carried out according to an algorithm consisting in choosing the maximum value of the target force of the fish from adjacent overlapping rays and closest to the acoustic axis of the corresponding split beam, and the coordinates of this fish in a wide sector are calculated location.
The materials presented as part of this know-how make it possible to prepare and register a patent for an invention.

Post-processing systems for sonar recordings with the aim of assessing stocks of fish bioresources
Experience and knowledge have been accumulated and tested in the field of development and operation of post-processing systems for sonar recordings of scientific research echo sounders.
Know-how materials can be used by developers of scientific echo sounders to study this scientific problem when developing full-featured post-processing systems at the level of the best foreign analogues, as well as operators of scientific echo-sounders and post-processing systems.
In the framework of this know-how, analytical materials were collected containing the results of a comparison of the most famous post-processing systems in the world, publications of employees of the Research Institute of Federal Agency for Fisheries, Marine Electronics Design Bureau "VECTOR", as well as foreign authors on this topic. The results of Marine Electronics Design Bureau "VECTOR" on the systems of post-processing processing are presented.