Currently Marine Electronics Design Bureau "VECTOR"
Currently Marine Electronics Design Bureau "VECTOR" has premises with a total area of 450 square meters. The basis of the design and development includes modern personal computers, server, licensed software, archive of design documentation on paper and electronic media, scientific and technical library, office equipment and so on.
A separate demonstration and training hall is allocated for Design Bureau production: RPT-4000 fishing simulator, simulators NS-3000, PRROL-3D and mini simulator of fishing equipment. There are also prototypes of hydroacoustic equipment. The total number of Design Bureau "VECTOR" employees is 24 people. Of these, 7 candidates of technical sciences. "VECTOR" experts have prepared more than 300 scientific publications and monographs.
Design Bureau "VECTOR" pay much attention to the intellectual property and its registration. More than 50 computer-based programs, useful models and inventions are registered.

The history of development
History of origin and development
KBME LLC "Vector" was established in 1994.
Employees of the enterprise are engineers and research workers of the Scientific Research Institute "Briz", the Priboy plant, graduates of the departments of electrohydroacoustics and ultrasound engineering, computer technology and mathematical software for TRTI computers.
Its activity began with the creation of marine simulators and training programs, actively cooperating with leading scientists and specialists of the Baltic Fishing Fleet Academy, Murmansk and Kaliningrad State Technical Universities.
- Since 1997, the scientific and technical council has been operating in the design bureau.
- In 1999, the design bureau received state accreditation as a scientific organization in the Ministry of Science and Technology.
- Since 2006, KBME LLC "Vector" becomes a permanent member of the Taganrog Interdistrict Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
- According to the results of the All-Russian competition in 2006, KBME LLC “Vector” was recognized as the winner of the National Award “Golden Mercury” of the RF CCI in the field of entrepreneurial activity in the field of technical innovations.
- Since 2007, KBME LLC "Vector" has received the status of a small innovative enterprise of the Rostov region.
- In 2009, KBME LLC Vector was certified by the international maritime industry company Det Norske Veritas (DNV) for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008.
- In 2015, KBME LLC "Vector" initiated the creation of an innovative territorial cluster of civil marine instrumentation "Marine Systems" in the city of Taganrog, which was entered in the register of clusters of the Rostov region.
Delivery of MIEL to the Institute of Ecology and Evolution named after A.N. Severtsov of the Russian Academy of Sciences
In November 2023, the Design Bureau of Marine Electronics "Vector" delivered a multi-purpose research single-beam echo sounder with a split beam to the MIEL Institute of Ecology and Evolution named...
Development of an analytical report, a patent research report and a feasibility study to create the appearance of fish finding sonar
In March 2023, LLC Design Bureau of Marine Electronics "Vector" entered into an agreement with JSC "Acoustic Institute named after Academician N.N. Andreev” contract for the performance of work “De...
KBME "Vector" accepts orders for the implementation of research and development in the areas of marine instrumentation:
fishing and hydroacoustic simulators;
training programs for personnel training;
fish searching equipment;
scientific sonar equipment for fisheries research;
hydroacoustic aquaculture products;
automated control systems for fishing vessels.
Mission vision values
Our mission
«We create tools for efficient and safe commercial fishing.»
Our values
To be useful to society in what we can do well.
Carry efficiency and safety in all areas of human activity.
Carry scientific and technological progress for the benefit of the environment and for the benefit of mankind.
Our goals
To become leaders in the development and sales of its products in Russia: scientific sonar equipment for the study of stocks of aquatic biological resources, special software for fishing equipment, hydroacoustic and fishing simulators.
Enter the international market and successfully compete with their products with leading foreign manufacturers.
Actively cooperate with leading scientific organizations in the field of hydroacoustic and training equipment in Russia and abroad.
Personnel potential in our company pays great attention. We understand that achieving high scientific and practical results of the design bureau is possible due to the high qualification of its specialists and intensive work with a focus on the final result.
To fully enter into the specifics of our development and become our full-time employee, a young specialist needs from one and a half to two years. Therefore, we understand that our own human resources must be “grown”.
Stages of professional growth:
internship (2 - 3 months);
probationary period (2 months);
hiring for a fixed-term contract at 0.5 rate (from 0.5 year to 1 year);
employment on a full-time basis on a full time basis.
For students, we are ready to provide the opportunity to undergo industrial, technological and pre-diploma practice, as well as writing graduation qualification work. We offer the most promising students to continue their education in graduate school and facilitate their entry.
Currently LLC KBME "Vector" invites to work: vacancies are temporarily unavailable.
Qualification |
Wage |
experienced programmers:
from 50 000 rubles (based on interview results) |
Students of 3 and 4 courses enrolled in the following specialties:
from 15 000 rubles (based on interview results) |
Resume in the form of questionnaires send by fax or e-mail.
Phone: (8634) 333-900