A. N. Dolgov participated in the Second Chinese-Russian Symposium

Director-General designer of KBME LLC "Vector" A. N. Dolgov remotely participated in the Second Chinese-Russian Symposium of scientists, engineers and companies dedicated to the use of hydroacoustic and information technologies. The Symposium was organized by Harbin engineering University, far Eastern Federal University and MARINET Industry center with the organizational support of the computer science Department of the Committee Of the state natural Sciences Foundation of China.
A. N. Debt, made a report "Scientific echo-sounders to study the stocks of aquatic bioresources". He told about the latest developments of KBME LLC "Vector", and also made a proposal to organize a joint project with interested Chinese enterprises to study fish stocks in Antarctica.

 PDF Presentation Scientific echo sounders of the marine electronics Design Bureau "Vector" LLC for research of water bioresources reserves





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